My personal opinion: Ample Guitars Taylor' and Martin' sound richer in detail than Real Guitar's acoustic does, but if it makes your productivity slow down or even come to a halt because of its problematic timing issues stay with the product that adheres to all of your other software's basic rules for professional quality software instruments'). But this is now 2014' and we should be passed this. Ample Sound' must be secretly working on a fix to this issue, since their competition Music Labs' (does not) have this problem. It had this same type of latency issue too'. yet the Ample Guitar software playback sound' is later than your fingers striking the notes. It takes me back in time to 1996' to the bad old days' of Gigasampler'. I rerecorded the identical part in real-time playing/recording the Ample Taylor' track' along to the now' existing piano/Real Guitar tracks It was very cumbersome to make the instrument (sound) on the millisecond your mind hears the notes and your fingers play the notes. The out-of-time' MIDI offset made this sound terrible. I then loaded Ample Guitars Taylor, Martin & PRS and copied the same piano part to their tracks. They both played back perfectly in Sonar X3 Producer. Then loaded Music Labs Real Guitar' and copied the piano part to it. Regarding my test template, I made a 16th note arpeggio phrase on a piano and quantized it deliberately. If you're very polite and don't mention other similar products (that don't have the same problems as Ample Guitar) they will reply back to you' without deleting your questions (yes, their moderator controls the forum's content like a Microsoft lawyer). There is only a forum (like this Cakewalk forum) where users take their problems, and hope to have them resolved. One major problem comes up quickly though - there is no tech support for Ample Sound' (Surprise !). I wanted to draft out a comprehensive tech support email to Ample Sound'. to be able to identify the main problem in using it' inside of Sonar X3 (or any DAW for that matter). I created a test template an hour ago, which was for me'.
Like some have already said' the sound quality of Ample Guitars is great. However, the latency is severe enough' to make it difficult to incorporate into projects. After I purchased all of Music Labs' virtual guitars and liked them, I decided to get every one of the Ample Guitars too' (except the nylon'). I'm experiencing similar issues, so I'm adding in my experiences to this post. and their "make your own bundle" discounts were great. but after spending the night with the vids from "the reverend" I crossed my fingers and took the plunge. I don't even think they should have the little demo. The nice thing is a unified interface across instruments, beautiful deep samples, huge stylizable playing (just switching among the patterns and multiple different single strum keys makes it sooooo much realer than anything else I've tried) Biggest headache? Memorizing all the keyboard triggers. And I haven't even scratched the surface.KVR has a pretty active forum and lots of suggestions by users, some of which already showed up in the latest updates which seem to be coming out fast. Will be mucking around a lot this week as it really excites me to have real guitar riffings going again (my old hands are failing) and the melodies/words are flowing differently with this tool most realistic guitar I've every imagined. but latency hasn't been an issue to me at all and I HATE latency. then changed it to +50 and sounds great.Don't even really know if this is what you're talkin' bout. I just tried setting the "time" on the midi track to this and it was wack. Then again, I'm dumb! Don't really understand the -50 issue. no latency issues playing from the keyboard at all. I've just been vamping around with all the 14 strum notes and 28 playing modes and this thing is deep but totally rad. I've got a slew of "guitarz" and just bought the AGM,T,F&G and it's frickin' amazing! as long as timing issues are consistant.